eTools Ceramic Tiling

Ceramic Tile Formula

Convert in Metric or Imperial, Formula the same for both...

Room Width (RW) x Room Length (RL) = Value, Take Value and convert to inches.

Different Tiles Available

12"x12" = 144 inch
3"x12" = 36 inch
4"x12" = 48 inch
6"x12" = 72 inch
4"x4" = 16 inch
18"x18" = 324 inch
12"x24" = 288 inch

Divide Room value (converted to inches) divided by tile size = the number of tiles needed per size.

Eg. Room is 10FT x 12 FT = 120 square feet
Convert 120 square feet to square inches. 1 ft = 12 inches
(10 x 12) x (12 x 12) = 120 x 144 = 17280 square inches

Divide this 17280 by tile size in inches = number of tiles needed
17280 / 144 = 120 "12 x 12" tiles
17280/ 36 = 480 "3 x12" tiles
17280/ 288 = 60 "12x24" tiles

Tip: Add 8% to 10% as waste

Calculator Inputs

Room Width:
Room Length:
Different Tiles Available:
Add 8% to 10% as waste:

Calculator Results: Number of tiles needed:  

Important Disclaimer: This calculator is provided for general information and illustration purposes only; the results are to be used only as estimates and are not intended as definitive advice or as a resource applicable to any specific circumstance and should not be relied upon or used as such.