eTools Drywall Calculator
Wall Length x Height, = Coverage Area (Convert to square feet)
Drywall Panel Sizes 4' x 8' = 32 sqft / Divided by Coverage Area = number of 4 x 8 panels
4' x 9' = 36 sqft / / Divided by Coverage Area = number of 4 x 9 panels etc.
4' x 10' = 40 sqft / / Divided by Coverage Area = number of 4 x 10 panels etc.
Calculator Inputs
Wall Height:
Wall Length
Drywall Panel Sizes
Add 8% to 10% as waste
Calculator Results: Number of panels:
Important Disclaimer: This calculator is provided for general information and illustration purposes only; the results are to be used only as estimates and are not intended as definitive advice or as a resource applicable to any specific circumstance and should not be relied upon or used as such.