eTools Wallpaper Decor
American wallpaper covers 36sq ft standard and comes in 18 inch width rolls, 27 inch rolls and 36 inch rolls. European wallpaper covers 56sq ft and comes in 20.5 inch rolls and 28 inch rolls.
Room Square Ft = (converted into inches), divided by roll size = Number of rolls needed per size
Wall Square Ft = converted into inches - Subtract Door
Window Divided by 18 inch roll = Number of 18 Rolls needed per wall.
Calculator Inputs
Wall Height
Wall Length
Door & Window Square Ft.
Wallpaper standard
Add 8% to 10% as waste
Calculator Results: Number of Rolls needed per wall:
Important Disclaimer: This calculator is provided for general information and illustration purposes only; the results are to be used only as estimates and are not intended as definitive advice or as a resource applicable to any specific circumstance and should not be relied upon or used as such.